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Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory en subasta con el inicio del año lunar

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory en subasta con el inicio del año lunar. Un puente entre el mundo físico y el digital, este proyecto celebra la exploración espacial humana

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory en subasta con el inicio del año lunar.  Un puente entre el mundo físico y el digital, este proyecto celebra la exploración espacial humana

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory en subasta con el inicio del año lunar. Un puente entre el mundo físico y el digital, este proyecto celebra la exploración espacial humana

Sant’Agata Bolognese ,  27 de enero de 2022  : ahora se confirman los detalles de la subasta del primer NFT (token no fungible) de Automobili Lamborghini. Lamborghini se asoció con NFT PRO y RM Sotheby’s y recibirá ofertas por los cinco pares de obras de arte físicas y digitales del renombrado artista Fabian Oefner entre el 1 de febrero , el primer día del nuevo año lunar, y el 4 de febrero . La subasta del primero de los cinco NFT tendrá lugar el nft . lamborghini _ comcomenzará a las 4:00 pm CET, mientras que cada una de las otras subastas comenzará y finalizará 15 minutos más tarde que la anterior. Cada subasta tendrá una duración de 75 horas y 50 minutos, el tiempo exacto que tardó el Apolo 11 en abandonar la Tierra y entrar en la órbita de la luna, que no es la única referencia a la exploración espacial humana.

La obra de arte física, Space Key, contiene piezas de fibra de carbono que Lamborghini envió a la Estación Espacial Internacional en 2020, como parte de un proyecto de investigación conjunto. Grabados con un código QR único, estas piezas de fibra de carbono vinculan el elemento digital, son una serie de cinco fotografías de un Lamborghini Ultimae, despegando hacia las estrellas. Las imágenes representan cinco momentos separados con segundos de diferencia cuando el automóvil se eleva sobre la tierra. Sus piezas, el motor, la transmisión, la suspensión y cientos de tornillos y tuercas salen disparados del chasis como la llama de escape de un cohete.

Lo que puede parecer una imagen generada por computadora es, de hecho, creada completamente a partir de elementos del mundo real: el artista capturó más de 1500 partes individuales de un automóvil real. La fotografía de la curvatura de la tierra se realizó enviando un globo meteorológico equipado con una cámara al borde de la estratosfera. Luego, el artista reunió cuidadosamente todas estas imágenes en un momento artificial en el tiempo. Cada uno de los cinco NFT tiene más de 600 millones de píxeles. A medida que uno comienza a acercarse, se revelan detalles ocultos de estas fotografías hiperrealistas. La resolución es tan enorme que puede leer pequeñas marcas en el orden de encendido del motor V12 o maravillarse con los diferentes patrones de fresado en las ruedas dentadas de la transmisión. Cuanto más miras la composición, más secretos descubres…

El artista, Fabian Oefner, sobre la idea detrás de su creación: “Para mí, ‘Space Time Memory’ es una analogía con los recuerdos que hacemos en la vida. Los recuerdos están enraizados en el mundo físico; los hacemos en la realidad. Luego los almacenamos en nuestros cerebros, lo que podría considerarse el mundo digital. A menudo me pregunto, ¿qué es más precioso para mí, el momento real o el recuerdo de ese momento? Análogo a eso, me pregunto con la cantidad cada vez mayor de realidades digitales que nos rodean, qué es más precioso, la realidad misma o las copias y derivados de ella, que existen en el universo digital”.

Al comienzo del proyecto, Oefner estudió meticulosamente los planos de ingeniería del Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae y creó un boceto preciso de cómo se verá la fotografía final. Sobre la base de ese boceto, Lamborghini preparó todas las piezas y componentes necesarios de un Ultimae listo para la producción. Luego, Oefner y su equipo fotografiaron las piezas en un estudio fotográfico improvisado justo al lado de la línea de producción en la fábrica Lamborghini en Sant’Agata Bolognese. A su regreso a su estudio en los EE. UU., donde el artista trabaja y vive cerca de la ciudad de Nueva York, combinó las innumerables imágenes en la composición prevista en el boceto. Oefner y su equipo tardaron más de 2 meses en crear un momento, que es más breve que un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

“Estamos encantados de haber sido elegidos como socio preferido de NFT por una marca tan icónica como Lamborghini y un artista increíble, Fabian Oefner”, dice Christian Ferri, director ejecutivo de NFTPro™. “Nos enorgullecemos de ser la solución empresarial NFT n.º 1 del mercado, prestar servicio a los líderes de categoría más grandes del mundo y trabajar con Lamborghini y Fabian Oefner valida aún más nuestra posición. Nuestra empresa se compromete a apoyar a Lamborghini a lo largo del viaje de NFT y nos sentimos honrados de trabajar con un equipo tan visionario en los años venideros”.

¿Qué son las NFT?

Los NFT (tokens no fungibles) son identificadores únicos registrados en un libro mayor distribuido conocido como Blockchain y vinculados a un activo digital como imágenes, videos, música u otros registros (por ejemplo, números VIN de vehículos). Cada token es único, lo que permite a sus propietarios garantizar la autenticidad, escasez, programabilidad y rastreabilidad de los activos a través de Internet.

Sobre Fabián Oefner

El trabajo de Fabian Oefner explora los límites entre el tiempo, el espacio y la realidad. Crea momentos y espacios ficticios, que se ven y se sienten absolutamente reales, pero no lo son. A través de esto, Oefner disecciona los diferentes componentes de la realidad y nos da una comprensión más clara de cómo la percibimos y la definimos. Inspirado en la ciencia, el enfoque del arte de Oefner es muy metódico y al mismo tiempo lúdico para que sucedan momentos inesperados. Crea obras cuidadosamente orquestadas, planificadas hasta el último detalle, así como piezas que utilizan un marco flexible para que suceda el arte.

Acerca de RM Sotheby’s

RM Sotheby’s es la casa de subastas de autos de colección más grande del mundo por ventas totales. Con 40 años de resultados comprobados en la industria de automóviles de colección, la gama de servicios integrados verticalmente de RM, desde subastas (en vivo y en línea) y ventas privadas hasta planificación patrimonial y servicios financieros, junto con un equipo experto de especialistas en automóviles y una presencia internacional, brindan un nivel de servicio sin igual para el mercado mundial de automóviles de colección. RM Sotheby’s es actualmente responsable de seis de los diez automóviles más valiosos jamás vendidos en una subasta. En 2022, RM Sotheby’s pasó a ofrecer NFT, colaborando con clientes y socios, trabajando junto con NFT PRO, para llevar al mercado proyectos NFT líderes que tienen un fuerte tema automotriz.

Acerca de NFTPRO

NFTPro™ es la solución NFT de marca blanca empresarial n.º 1 para marcas globales, lo que hace que las campañas NFT sean perfectas, fáciles de ejecutar y acordes con la marca. Gracias a una plataforma de nivel empresarial, una metodología patentada y un soporte de nivel empresarial, ayudan a las empresas globales a elaborar estrategias, crear, vender y distribuir activos digitales auténticos basados ​​en NFT para involucrar a las comunidades, generar nuevas fuentes de ingresos y aumentar las ventas cruzadas de productos físicos. productos al mismo tiempo que garantiza el control total de la empresa, la sostenibilidad y el cumplimiento normativo global.

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Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year.

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Sant’Agata Bolognese27 January 2022 – Auction details for the first-ever NFT (non-fungible token) of Automobili Lamborghini are now confirmed. Lamborghini has partnered with NFT PRO and RM Sotheby’s and will receive bids on the five pairs of physical and digital artworks by the renowned artist Fabian Oefner between February 1st, the first day of the new lunar year, and February 4th. The auction for the first of the five NFTs will take place on nft.lamborghini.com start at 4:00 pm CET, while each of the other auctions will start and end 15 minutes later then their preceding one. Every auction will last for 75 hours and 50 minutes, the exact time it took Apollo 11 to leave Earth and enter the moon’s orbit – not the only reference to human space exploration.

The physical artwork, the Space Key, contains carbon fiber pieces that Lamborghini sent to the International Space Station back in 2020, as a part of a joint research project. Engraved with a unique QR code, these carbon fiber parts link the digital element, are a series of five photographs of a Lamborghini Ultimae, lifting off toward the stars. The images depict five separate moments within seconds from each other as the car rises above the earth. Its parts, the engine, the transmission, the suspension and hundreds of nuts and bolts are shooting away from the chassis like the exhaust flame of a rocket.

What may look like a computer-generated image is in fact entirely created from elements of the real world: the artist captured more than 1500 individual parts of a real car. The photograph of the earth`s curvature was made by sending a weather balloon equipped with a camera to the edge of the stratosphere. The artist then carefully assembled all of these images into an artificial moment in time. Each of the five NFTs has more than 600 Million pixels. As one starts to zoom in, hidden details of these hyperrealistic photographs are revealed. The resolution is so enormous, that you can read tiny markings on the firing order of the V12 engine or marvel at the different milling patterns on the transmission cog wheels. The longer you look at the composition, the more secrets you discover…

The artist, Fabian Oefner, on the idea behind his creation: “For me, ‘Space Time Memory’ is an analogy to the memories we make in life. Memories are rooted in the physical world; we make them in reality. We then store them in our brains, what could be considered the digital world. I often wonder, what is more precious to me, the actual moment or the memory of that moment? Analog to that, I wonder with the ever-increasing amount of digital realities around us, what is more precious, reality itself or the copies and derivatives of it, that exist in the digital universe.”

At the start of the project, Oefner meticulously studied the engineering plans of the Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae and created an accurate sketch of what the final photograph will look like. Based on that sketch, Lamborghini prepared all the necessary parts and components of a production ready Ultimae. The pieces were then photographed by Oefner and his team in a makeshift photo studio right next to the production line at the Lamborghini Factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Upon his return to his studio in the US, where the artist works and lives near New York City, he combined the countless images into the composition envisioned in the sketch. It took Oefner and his team more than 2 months to create a moment, which is shorter than the blink of an eye.

“We’re thrilled to have been chosen as preferred NFT partner by such an iconic brand as Lamborghini and incredible artist, Fabian Oefner”, says Christian Ferri, CEO of NFTPro™. “We pride ourselves for being the #1 enterprise NFT solution in the market, serving the largest category leaders in the world, and working with Lamborghini and Fabian Oefner validates even further our position. Our company is committed to supporting Lamborghini throughout the NFT journey and are humbled to be working with such a visionary team in the years to come”.

What are NFTs?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique identifiers recorded on a distributed ledger known as Blockchain and tied to a digital asset such as pictures, videos, music, or other records (e.g. vehicle VIN numbers). Each token is unique, allowing their owners to guarantee asset authenticity, scarcity, programmability and trackability over the internet.

About Fabian Oefner

Fabian Oefner’s work explores the boundaries between time, space and reality. He creates fictional moments and spaces, that look and feel absolutely real, yet aren’t. Through this, Oefner dissects the different components of reality and gives us a clearer understanding of how we perceive and define it. Inspired by science, Oefner’s approach to art is highly methodical and at the same time playful for unexpected moments to happen. He creates carefully orchestrated works, that are planned down to the last detail as well as pieces, that use a loose framework for art to happen.

About RM Sotheby’s

RM Sotheby’s is the world’s largest collector car auction house by total sales. With 40 years of proven results in the collector car industry, RM’s vertically integrated range of services, from auctions (live and online) and private sales to estate planning and financial services, coupled with an expert team of Car Specialists and an international footprint, provide an unsurpassed level of service to the global collector car market. RM Sotheby’s is currently responsible for six of the top ten most valuable motor cars ever sold at auction. 2022 has seen RM Sotheby’s move into offering NFTs, collaborating with both clients and partners, working alongside NFT PRO, to bring to market leading NFT projects that have a strong automotive theme.


NFTPro™ is the #1 enterprise white label NFT solution for global brands, making NFT campaigns seamless, easily executed, and on-brand. Thanks to an enterprise-grade platform, proprietary methodology and enterprise-level support, they help global enterprises strategize, create, sell, and distribute NFT-based digital authentic assets to engage communities, drive new revenue streams, and boost cross-sales of physical products while ensuring full company control, sustainability, and global regulatory compliance.

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Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year.

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Sant’Agata Bolognese27 January 2022 – Auction details for the first-ever NFT (non-fungible token) of Automobili Lamborghini are now confirmed. Lamborghini has partnered with NFT PRO and RM Sotheby’s and will receive bids on the five pairs of physical and digital artworks by the renowned artist Fabian Oefner between February 1st, the first day of the new lunar year, and February 4th. The auction for the first of the five NFTs will take place on nft.lamborghini.com start at 4:00 pm CET, while each of the other auctions will start and end 15 minutes later then their preceding one. Every auction will last for 75 hours and 50 minutes, the exact time it took Apollo 11 to leave Earth and enter the moon’s orbit – not the only reference to human space exploration.

The physical artwork, the Space Key, contains carbon fiber pieces that Lamborghini sent to the International Space Station back in 2020, as a part of a joint research project. Engraved with a unique QR code, these carbon fiber parts link the digital element, are a series of five photographs of a Lamborghini Ultimae, lifting off toward the stars. The images depict five separate moments within seconds from each other as the car rises above the earth. Its parts, the engine, the transmission, the suspension and hundreds of nuts and bolts are shooting away from the chassis like the exhaust flame of a rocket.

What may look like a computer-generated image is in fact entirely created from elements of the real world: the artist captured more than 1500 individual parts of a real car. The photograph of the earth`s curvature was made by sending a weather balloon equipped with a camera to the edge of the stratosphere. The artist then carefully assembled all of these images into an artificial moment in time. Each of the five NFTs has more than 600 Million pixels. As one starts to zoom in, hidden details of these hyperrealistic photographs are revealed. The resolution is so enormous, that you can read tiny markings on the firing order of the V12 engine or marvel at the different milling patterns on the transmission cog wheels. The longer you look at the composition, the more secrets you discover…

The artist, Fabian Oefner, on the idea behind his creation: “For me, ‘Space Time Memory’ is an analogy to the memories we make in life. Memories are rooted in the physical world; we make them in reality. We then store them in our brains, what could be considered the digital world. I often wonder, what is more precious to me, the actual moment or the memory of that moment? Analog to that, I wonder with the ever-increasing amount of digital realities around us, what is more precious, reality itself or the copies and derivatives of it, that exist in the digital universe.”

At the start of the project, Oefner meticulously studied the engineering plans of the Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae and created an accurate sketch of what the final photograph will look like. Based on that sketch, Lamborghini prepared all the necessary parts and components of a production ready Ultimae. The pieces were then photographed by Oefner and his team in a makeshift photo studio right next to the production line at the Lamborghini Factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Upon his return to his studio in the US, where the artist works and lives near New York City, he combined the countless images into the composition envisioned in the sketch. It took Oefner and his team more than 2 months to create a moment, which is shorter than the blink of an eye.

“We’re thrilled to have been chosen as preferred NFT partner by such an iconic brand as Lamborghini and incredible artist, Fabian Oefner”, says Christian Ferri, CEO of NFTPro™. “We pride ourselves for being the #1 enterprise NFT solution in the market, serving the largest category leaders in the world, and working with Lamborghini and Fabian Oefner validates even further our position. Our company is committed to supporting Lamborghini throughout the NFT journey and are humbled to be working with such a visionary team in the years to come”.

What are NFTs?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique identifiers recorded on a distributed ledger known as Blockchain and tied to a digital asset such as pictures, videos, music, or other records (e.g. vehicle VIN numbers). Each token is unique, allowing their owners to guarantee asset authenticity, scarcity, programmability and trackability over the internet.

About Fabian Oefner

Fabian Oefner’s work explores the boundaries between time, space and reality. He creates fictional moments and spaces, that look and feel absolutely real, yet aren’t. Through this, Oefner dissects the different components of reality and gives us a clearer understanding of how we perceive and define it. Inspired by science, Oefner’s approach to art is highly methodical and at the same time playful for unexpected moments to happen. He creates carefully orchestrated works, that are planned down to the last detail as well as pieces, that use a loose framework for art to happen.

About RM Sotheby’s

RM Sotheby’s is the world’s largest collector car auction house by total sales. With 40 years of proven results in the collector car industry, RM’s vertically integrated range of services, from auctions (live and online) and private sales to estate planning and financial services, coupled with an expert team of Car Specialists and an international footprint, provide an unsurpassed level of service to the global collector car market. RM Sotheby’s is currently responsible for six of the top ten most valuable motor cars ever sold at auction. 2022 has seen RM Sotheby’s move into offering NFTs, collaborating with both clients and partners, working alongside NFT PRO, to bring to market leading NFT projects that have a strong automotive theme.


NFTPro™ is the #1 enterprise white label NFT solution for global brands, making NFT campaigns seamless, easily executed, and on-brand. Thanks to an enterprise-grade platform, proprietary methodology and enterprise-level support, they help global enterprises strategize, create, sell, and distribute NFT-based digital authentic assets to engage communities, drive new revenue streams, and boost cross-sales of physical products while ensuring full company control, sustainability, and global regulatory compliance.

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Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year.

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Lamborghini NFT Space Time Memory on auction with the start of the lunar year. A bridge between the physical and the digital world, this project celebrates human space exploration

Sant’Agata Bolognese27 January 2022 – Auction details for the first-ever NFT (non-fungible token) of Automobili Lamborghini are now confirmed. Lamborghini has partnered with NFT PRO and RM Sotheby’s and will receive bids on the five pairs of physical and digital artworks by the renowned artist Fabian Oefner between February 1st, the first day of the new lunar year, and February 4th. The auction for the first of the five NFTs will take place on nft.lamborghini.com start at 4:00 pm CET, while each of the other auctions will start and end 15 minutes later then their preceding one. Every auction will last for 75 hours and 50 minutes, the exact time it took Apollo 11 to leave Earth and enter the moon’s orbit – not the only reference to human space exploration.

The physical artwork, the Space Key, contains carbon fiber pieces that Lamborghini sent to the International Space Station back in 2020, as a part of a joint research project. Engraved with a unique QR code, these carbon fiber parts link the digital element, are a series of five photographs of a Lamborghini Ultimae, lifting off toward the stars. The images depict five separate moments within seconds from each other as the car rises above the earth. Its parts, the engine, the transmission, the suspension and hundreds of nuts and bolts are shooting away from the chassis like the exhaust flame of a rocket.

What may look like a computer-generated image is in fact entirely created from elements of the real world: the artist captured more than 1500 individual parts of a real car. The photograph of the earth`s curvature was made by sending a weather balloon equipped with a camera to the edge of the stratosphere. The artist then carefully assembled all of these images into an artificial moment in time. Each of the five NFTs has more than 600 Million pixels. As one starts to zoom in, hidden details of these hyperrealistic photographs are revealed. The resolution is so enormous, that you can read tiny markings on the firing order of the V12 engine or marvel at the different milling patterns on the transmission cog wheels. The longer you look at the composition, the more secrets you discover…

The artist, Fabian Oefner, on the idea behind his creation: “For me, ‘Space Time Memory’ is an analogy to the memories we make in life. Memories are rooted in the physical world; we make them in reality. We then store them in our brains, what could be considered the digital world. I often wonder, what is more precious to me, the actual moment or the memory of that moment? Analog to that, I wonder with the ever-increasing amount of digital realities around us, what is more precious, reality itself or the copies and derivatives of it, that exist in the digital universe.”

At the start of the project, Oefner meticulously studied the engineering plans of the Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae and created an accurate sketch of what the final photograph will look like. Based on that sketch, Lamborghini prepared all the necessary parts and components of a production ready Ultimae. The pieces were then photographed by Oefner and his team in a makeshift photo studio right next to the production line at the Lamborghini Factory in Sant’Agata Bolognese. Upon his return to his studio in the US, where the artist works and lives near New York City, he combined the countless images into the composition envisioned in the sketch. It took Oefner and his team more than 2 months to create a moment, which is shorter than the blink of an eye.

“We’re thrilled to have been chosen as preferred NFT partner by such an iconic brand as Lamborghini and incredible artist, Fabian Oefner”, says Christian Ferri, CEO of NFTPro™. “We pride ourselves for being the #1 enterprise NFT solution in the market, serving the largest category leaders in the world, and working with Lamborghini and Fabian Oefner validates even further our position. Our company is committed to supporting Lamborghini throughout the NFT journey and are humbled to be working with such a visionary team in the years to come”.

What are NFTs?

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique identifiers recorded on a distributed ledger known as Blockchain and tied to a digital asset such as pictures, videos, music, or other records (e.g. vehicle VIN numbers). Each token is unique, allowing their owners to guarantee asset authenticity, scarcity, programmability and trackability over the internet.

About Fabian Oefner

Fabian Oefner’s work explores the boundaries between time, space and reality. He creates fictional moments and spaces, that look and feel absolutely real, yet aren’t. Through this, Oefner dissects the different components of reality and gives us a clearer understanding of how we perceive and define it. Inspired by science, Oefner’s approach to art is highly methodical and at the same time playful for unexpected moments to happen. He creates carefully orchestrated works, that are planned down to the last detail as well as pieces, that use a loose framework for art to happen.

About RM Sotheby’s

RM Sotheby’s is the world’s largest collector car auction house by total sales. With 40 years of proven results in the collector car industry, RM’s vertically integrated range of services, from auctions (live and online) and private sales to estate planning and financial services, coupled with an expert team of Car Specialists and an international footprint, provide an unsurpassed level of service to the global collector car market. RM Sotheby’s is currently responsible for six of the top ten most valuable motor cars ever sold at auction. 2022 has seen RM Sotheby’s move into offering NFTs, collaborating with both clients and partners, working alongside NFT PRO, to bring to market leading NFT projects that have a strong automotive theme.


NFTPro™ is the #1 enterprise white label NFT solution for global brands, making NFT campaigns seamless, easily executed, and on-brand. Thanks to an enterprise-grade platform, proprietary methodology and enterprise-level support, they help global enterprises strategize, create, sell, and distribute NFT-based digital authentic assets to engage communities, drive new revenue streams, and boost cross-sales of physical products while ensuring full company control, sustainability, and global regulatory compliance.

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